What’s been happening: 25/07/22

So, it's been a while (with the exception of my EDS post in May). There have been a lot of changes around here and I'm excited to tell you about them:

Last year, I had a baby! She's 9 months old now and is crawling, chatting and generally being amazingly cute. I can't believe how fast that time has gone.

Becoming a Mum has been an awesome, mind boggling change; one that I never expected would be quite so hard, but so very rewarding at the same time. There's nothing like going into their room of a morning and seeing their little face smiling up at you. That said, it's not easy, by any stretch: nappies, constant drooling, sleepless nights with a little person that's screaming their head off and can't tell you what's wrong - it's all worth it, though.

We moved house earlier in the year, too, so it's been a very busy time. We had a similar situation before we got married, buying our first home together and saving like crazy for both! I like a challenge...

A couple of months ago, I quit my full time employed job in favour of going freelance again. I'd been working in my last job for 5 years and it was most definitely time for a change. Over the last 13 years or so, I've freelanced on and off, both as a Writer and a Graphic Designer. There are pros and cons to both employed and freelance life, but it's been a goal of mine to do this for a long time. I'm super psyched to be able to do this now on my terms.

If you're after a Writer, whether that's for some website copy, an article or news piece, social media content project, or even just some copy editing, do get in touch. You can read a bit more about my experience on my new 'About' page and the types of writing I can offer on my 'Services' page.

Otherwise, you can keep up to date with all my goings on and new posts via my newsletter.


Gail’s slow cooker chilli 🧑‍🍳


Review: Hotel du Vin, Bristol 🛏️