Getting back on the (blog) horse

So, it’s’s been a while! Four years, to be exact.

Thought I'd do a little refresher 'Welcome back' post, as it's been such a long time and for anyone who might be new to this blog. Let me introduce myself:

My name is Jess and I love to write. Based in Bristol, UK, I have a background in marketing, specialising in copywriting and creating exciting, engaging content. Some of the industries I’ve worked in include PR, media, web development, higher education and the charity/not-for-profit sector. If you want to hire me to help you write some kickass web copy, an article or blog post, drop me a line.


I’m married to the loveliest man ever, David Darnes - Developer Advocate at Ghost. We love to go on adventures together, particularly where they include food and coffee (and the odd photography session). Keep an eye out for a post on our visit to Frome on Valentine's Day, which will be coming very shortly; there will also be some pieces in the not too distant future on our trip to Australia that we did back in December last year, with some ideas for great places to eat, stay and visit.

One of my greatest loves (next to Dave and writing) is reading books. A couple close friends and I started a book club a year or so ago, with the aim of expanding our reading horizons by sharing titles that we wouldn’t normally pick. You can discover the books I’m looking forward to reading in 2020 in my next blog post - might give you a bit of inspiration for your next read!

My taste in music is very eclectic: some of my ‘go-to’ genres include jazz (think Dave Brubeck’s “Take Five” or “Cantaloupe Island” by Herbie Hancock), 80’s tunes, film and game scores, and a mix of EDM/house. In fact, I count hybrids of these  among my favourites - a brilliant artist and composer, BT (Brian Transeau), creates excellent pieces that do just this.

Other things I love to do:

  • Watch movies and write about them (more about this coming soon)

  • Cooking and baking - I’m a massive foodie and love to try new places, dishes and recipes (in fact, I shared a recipe for lasagne a little while ago, which I'll be updating soon)

  • Various fitness things, including Pilates; strength/weight training; fun workout classes, such as Sweat, Stretch & Glow, BoxHiit (Boxercise) and Disco Aerobics; and (not as often as I’d like), parkour

I'll be talking about these topics and more in the near future, as well as restaurant reviews, suggestions of  places to go and see, and some interesting thought pieces. If you're not already, follow me on Instagram or Twitter - that way, you'll see when I post any new content.

Bye for now!


A recipe for lasagne - no longer a disaster 🧑‍🍳


Review: The Handmaid’s Tale 📚